God Save the Queen!

The queen conch (Strombus gigas) has been a staple of Caribbean cuisine since the days of the Amerindians. Due to unsustainable practices, entire populations in Trinidad have been fished out and remaining populations in Tobago are near collapse. To prevent the extinction of the queen conch, I propose the development of an aquaculture program on the island of Tobago. The project is designed to raise conchs from eggs in a hatchery and nursery facility on land, to adults in a ranch within the Buccoo Reef Marine Park. Mature adults will then be returned to the wild where they function as keystone herbivorous species helping to keep the ecosystem clean and in balance. The project will require an initial investment, but is expected to recoup costs and serve as a source of income for the community as excess conchs can be sold to restaurants and other vendors. This project would facilitate a sustainable queen conch fishery providing enhanced economic benefits while ensuring its protection.
Problema que resuelve su propuesta
In the 1990s, the global conch market was estimated at US$60 million dollars with 1.4 million kilograms of conch being exported to the US. However, the increased demand for conch coupled with its relatively long sexual maturation cycle (3-4 years) and its easily exploitable breeding aggregations has pushed stocks to the brink of collapse according to the Buccoo Reef Trust. This has resulted in the declining health of their seagrass habitats and nearby coral reefs. In addition to its valuable meat, conchs are also fished for their shells and pearls which are used to make jewellery or sold as tourist souvenirs. Its loss not only jeopardizes the livelihoods of Tobagonian fishers, but also restaurateurs, craftspeople and vendors. In addition, the conch shell is used in religious ceremonies, Caribbean music and as a victory trumpet at cricket matches. For Caribbean people, the loss of the conch is more than the loss of a species- it is a loss of our culture.
¿Qué impacto positivo tiene o tendría su propuesta en su comunidad? Cuáles son las mejoras concretas ambientales o sociales
Firstly, the conch farm would create alternative jobs for conch fishers, thus reducing the stress on wild stocks. The farm grown adults can then be used to restock wild populations and restore the species. This is expected to increase the health of seagrass beds and increase water quality. This will in turn benefit other organisms and marine ecosystems. Economically, the community would benefit from the sale and distribution of conch meat, shells and pearls as well as other spin-off industries such as restaurants and tourist shops. The farm would become a tourist destination generating sustainable income and jobs for the community. Additionally, the farm can serve as a research and education center to educate members of the community, citizens and tourists about the cultural, economic and environmental importance of the queen conch. The project will create new jobs for young adults in Tobago where the youth unemployment rate is 6.5%.
¿Por qué te interesa involucrarte con problemáticas que afectan al ambiente y/o a los océanos?
At a young age I developed a passion for ocean conservation, and to this day, my first SCUBA dive is one of the most momentous occasions in my life. Growing up on an island, I was surrounded by beautiful beaches and reefs, and over time I have seen their slow but steady degradation. Often, it seems that the environment is sacrificed for the sake of profit and the livelihoods of ordinary people are used to justify it. In small island Caribbean states like mine, sustainability seems like a first world ideal that we cannot achieve. As a Marine Biology and Ecology student, I have challenged myself to come up with an idea that is truly sustainable, preserving both the environment and livelihoods. I hope that the economic advantages of this project encourages corporations and individuals alike to invest in a healthy environment and that young people will see this as a viable career path. I hope that one day environmentalist will be just as coveted a job as doctor, lawyer or engineer.
Principal ODS con el que se vincula tu propuesta
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
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Wonderful Job!
hace 3 años
This proposal both addresses ecological and economic factors involved in replenishing ecosystems, and the use of conchs, simultaneously a keystone species and lucrative resource, reflects that. Well done!
hace 3 años
I love how detailed this proposal is. This is an excellent idea. I wish you the best with it. God save the Queen!
hace 3 años
One of the most complete proposals I have seen. Very informative and interesting. You will benefit the community a lot ! Support queen ❤️
hace 3 años
Informative and well researched. Great job! You offered a practical and effective solution that will not only benefit the ecosystem but the community as well. I really hope this proposal can be implemented.
hace 3 años
love this idea!!
hace 3 años
Omg this is amazing ! What a great project! This was very informative!!!
hace 3 años
I love this idea so much. I hope that it reaches many others so that the conch and hopefully other wildlife will get the help they need!
hace 3 años
Such a wonderful initiative! Can't wait to hear about how it progresses. Good job Shara!
hace 3 años
Your proposal was intriguing and informative, though I expect nothing less from you Shara!! Great job!
hace 3 años
This proposal was wonderfully done and very professionally written. Great job!
hace 3 años
Hey Shara, I love this idea that you presented, and I love the play on words you used to title your project. Something like this will positively impact our Caribbean region. You've explained well how the queen conchs impacts us more than just environmentally. Well researched! I do have a few questions to ask: 1) Who are the stakeholders of this project, i.e. to whom are you going to appeal this project so it will be launched? Will it be the Ministry of Tourism, CARICOM, etc.? 2) In your opinion, how long (on average) will it take to raise a conch? By extension, how long (on average) will it take before one sees an impact in any way? 3) After the conch is fully raised and is fully matured, will they be released in their natural habitat? If so, how will you address the different potential threats to these conchs? (E.g. invasive species, overfishing and hunting) If not, what will be their future? Overall, I see huge potential here, and I hope to hear more about this soon!
hace 3 años
Hi Asher! Thank you for your questions. 1) We have uploaded some presentation slides as pictures. Slide 8 discusses our intended partnerships in detail. In summary, we plan to approach both governmental and non-governmental agencies for support. 2) It takes 3-4 years to raise a conch to sexual maturity. We will probably restock wild populations after 5 years when the conchs have achieved their maximum size. 3) The main threat to conchs is overfishing. We plan to offer alternative employment to conch fishers in the area. As part of the project, we will have continued monitoring of the population and we hope to petition for a ban on wild conch fishing and sale. The Institute of Marine Affairs reports that the population of queen conch is on the brink of collapse. If these measures are not enacted then the conch may become extinct in Trinidad and Tobago.
hace 3 años
cont. If these measures are not enacted then the conch may become extinct in Trinidad and Tobago.
hace 3 años
This is such a great initiative to consider Shara! I do agree with Kishore Lal when he says to site peer reviewed work. This is where the research lies and can lend information and data that can lead to the success of your venture. Particularly as there as so many aspects to consider when it comes to culture of a marine species. I would also recommend getting in touch with the Fisheries Division to see if there is any historical data on the landings of Queen Conch in the past. The socio-economic benefits that can be reaped are wonderful but do also consider the environmental impacts, especially based on your site selection. I look forward to more positive things coming from this initiative that you've highlighted!
hace 3 años
Hi! Thank you for advice! Due to the character limit we decided to omit citations in the worded proposal. However, we have since uploaded some presentation slides as pictures. Slide 10 is a summary of the most important references used to craft this proposal. You are absolutely right about the need for further research! As the project progresses into the planning phase we will be contacting several organisations for their mentorship. To answer you question about the environmental impact, we expect that the conch will improve the health of the seagrass beds and improve water clarity in the marine park- a definite plus for the neighbouring Buccoo Reef.
hace 3 años
All the best with your project Shara. I look forward to seeing its success.
hace 3 años
Really like this idea and looking forward to hearing of more from it!
hace 3 años
This is such a wonderful idea! A well thought out proposal, written with great passion, which I sincerely hope would be implemented in the future.
hace 3 años
Nice this is actually really interesting .
hace 3 años
Great idea!
hace 3 años
A promising idea with several benefits to a Small Island Developing State. On the financial side, what volume would you estimate the project entail to run a sustainable model? And how long would the project take to become sustainable?
hace 3 años
This is an excellent question! We have set the goal of becoming fully self sustainable within ten years of operation. However, we cannot currently estimate what volume of conch will be needed because there is not enough available research detailing the health of queen conch population in Trinidad and Tobago. The last available study was conducted in 2010. Since then the Institute of Marine Affairs has indicated that there are signs the population is near collapse. Going forward we will conduct a study to determine the current health of the population. However, we will take into consideration your advice to determine how much conch will be needed to run a self-sufficient business in the mean time. Thank you!
hace 3 años
This is a wonderful proposal. Love the idea!!!
hace 3 años
Very informative. Should definitely be implemented.
hace 3 años
Great idea... Go for it... While as humans economics often determines the sustainability of a project in our system of accounting ecosystem capital (often taken freely and unsustainably from nature by capitalistic means), health costs and pollution cleanup (as they are often left to the state or consumers) are not monetized as input costs and remember as an ecologist the science should drive the project before the economics. Try to cite peer-reviewed sources to support your arguments and also try to assess the pollution that is caused by seafood farming. Also, consider whether or not this is mainstream diet or exotic food. Please don't interpret my comments as negative as there is a big plus side to such a project but when the social scientists and those who do not make decisions on natural science get involved sometimes good projects lose their envirocentic focus and become anthropocentric management and ownership putting people and their livelihoods before the health of the biome.
hace 3 años
At the same time, we hope to establish environmentalism as an attractive field by showing that a business that is environmentally focused can be profitable. To address your concern about the demand for conch, we do agree that it is considered an exotic food and there is only a moderate demand in Trinidad. There is however a significant demand in Tobago both from locals and restaurants that cater to tourists. There is also a great and growing demand in the US as their own stocks become depleted. Thank you again for your comment and support!
hace 3 años
Hi! Thank you for your comment. We have taken your advice into consideration and uploaded a presentation slide including the most important references used in this proposal. However, due to the character limit we have chosen to omit citations in the worded proposal. We will also keep in mind your advice about putting the environment first as the project progresses. Rest assured that our priority will always be to restore the queen conch population in Tobago. We also hope that this restoration project can be expanded to other Caribbean countries. In addition, shellfish has long been considered great for aquaculture as they have little to no negative impact on the environment. A conch farm is even expected to increase the health of the site by improving water quality. Also, every part of the conch can be utilized: its meat for human consumption and its shells to build breakwaters.
hace 3 años
Such a good project! I hope that it’s successful.
hace 3 años
This is such a great proposal!
hace 3 años
Love the idea
hace 3 años
This is such an important idea, great proposal Shara!!
hace 3 años
Great proposal Shara, in Sids such as Trinidad and Tobago, overfishing is a srious problem especially for keystone species such as Queen Conch!
hace 3 años
Super insightful !
hace 3 años
This is such an innovative idea! I had no idea the queen conch were so close to extinction and I hope this can be implemented very soon. Super insightful and a feasible plan centered around its sustainability. I love it! Will the nursery need to be situated close to the Marine Park /and are there certain conditions that need to be met for their transportation to be successful which can add to costs ?
hace 3 años
Thank you for your question! Ideally we hope to construct the nursery/hatchery close to the ranch. Not only would it be economically beneficial to transport the conchs over a small distance, but it reduce the chance of the conchs becoming damaged or deformed.
hace 3 años
Love this! Such a great idea ?
hace 3 años
I love this! A very insightful proposal which I hope can be achieved!
hace 3 años
This is a well though out and meticulous to plan to return the queen conch's population back to its original glory as well was providing opportunities to bolster the economic standing of the nation itself. One question I have is if there will be enough resources allocated to this project in its early stages for it to run efficiently. Overall, a superb project than can hopefully pave the way toward more sustainability acts to alleviate the degradation and restore the nation's flora and fauna to the status it once had.
hace 3 años
Hi! Thank you for your support! Initial investment is definitely a concern. We plan to approach both governmental agencies and non-governmental agencies for seed funding. For more information, we have uploaded a presentation slide regarding our intended partners.
hace 3 años
Love this idea ! Really would give long-term restorative and recuperative help to a mostly overlooked sector within the fishing industry, but is just as important for employment, culture and the environment. Great proposal !
hace 3 años
Wonderful idea! I hope this can be implemented in the near future.
hace 3 años
I love this!
hace 3 años
A wonderful idea! It would be amazing to see this implemented in the near future. This definitely has the potential to positively impact the ocean life in Tobago and can even be adopted in other Caribbean countries, not only helping make conch more sustainable but also creating new job opportunities for the local people. Great work!
hace 3 años
Beautiful and well-thought out proposal!!
hace 3 años
Such a great idea!!
hace 3 años
Excellent, well researched and innovative idea! Definitely has solid potential and is rooted in sustainability which is especially important for generations to come! :)
hace 3 años
Such an excellent proposal! I hope that these ideas are implemented in the near future.
hace 3 años
Exceptionally well written. As someone who resides within the borders of the beautiful twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago described, I would personally love to see this unique initiative implemented soon. The benefits are indeed great.
hace 3 años
This is such an amazing idea that allows future generations to continue to learn as well as understand the culture and cuisine of Trinidad and Tobago and by a wider extent, the Caribbean.
hace 3 años
Wow, very insightful. I hope your initiative and ideas can be implemented soon to accomplish all the aforementioned benefits!
hace 3 años
Great idea!!
hace 3 años
Excellent innovative idea.Totally admire your passion for the marine environment.
hace 3 años
Thank you!
hace 3 años
I love this idea, very informative proposal as well as great perspective . I hope this can be implemented to other Caribbean countries as well!
hace 3 años
Thank you so much! Hopefully one day we can scale up and provide conchs for the entire Caribbean region!
hace 3 años
Amazing idea!!
hace 3 años
I love this ! Iets save nature ??
hace 3 años
A very insightful read and a brilliant approach that covers not only the main issue at hand but many others as well.
hace 3 años
Amazing, this plan would not only protect a species but also propel new innovations and specializations for Trinbagonians.
hace 3 años
So true!!!
hace 3 años
Great and concise innovations which can result in major economic growth in the region.
hace 3 años
Wow! This is amazing and well thought out!
hace 3 años
Excellent proposal. If implemented,this will surely be beneficial not just to T&T, but the Caribbean as a whole. Looking forward to further developments
hace 3 años
A brilliant proposal that would surely be beneficial to the community and brings us one step closer to sustainable development in smaller Caribbean islands!
hace 3 años
It's always good to preserve any form of wild life in the region, especially since we have one of the highest rates in loss of biodiversity in the world, don't want to lose another like the Monk seal
hace 3 años
You are absolutely right!
hace 3 años
Excellent idea! This can reap so many benefits.
hace 3 años
I really like this idea!, and I also think many would benefit if it was implemented.
hace 3 años
A wonderful initiative for a vital ecosystem. An aquaculture farm for queen conch would definitely help the ecosystem and theoretically be a boon on the economical side. It will be a tough initive to implement due to them taking 5 years to reach reproductive maturity but definitely very rewarding when properly done.
hace 3 años
Very true. The long maturation cycle is a significant concern. However the ecological and environmental importance of the conch warrants radical protection measures to prevent its extinction.
hace 3 años
This is really an informative proposal. I love the economic aspect that is mentioned.
hace 3 años
A simple yet brilliant initiative. I can't wait to visit your conch farms! Would you also consider partnering with civil society organisations or NGOs to carry this out?
hace 3 años
Thank you for your comment. We would love to partner with other NGOs to work on this project. We plan to approach both the Institute of Marine Affairs and the Buccoo Reef trust for their expertise and guidance. If there are any other organisations you think we should partner with please leave it in the comments!
hace 3 años
This sounds like a brilliant initiative. I would love to see it in action.
hace 3 años
Thank you so much!
hace 3 años
Such an innovative and informative proposal with not just ecological but cultural and economical benefits to the local community! Is there an approximate time frame for how long it might require to get the aquaculture program up and running?
hace 3 años
Thank you for your interest in our project. At this stage in the planning process we do not have a definite timeframe. However, with speedy approval from the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to build the facility in the marine park and collect eggs from organisms in the wild, we estimate that it would take six to nine months to get the facility fully operational.
hace 3 años
I really enjoyed reading about this and learning how important the Queen Conch and its role in culture and economics in the Caribbean. Do you have an estimate for how long it would take for the population of Queen Conch to begin increasing after this proposal becomes a finished project?
hace 3 años
Thank you for your question! This is a complicated question to answer and one that needs to be considered as the project moves forward. The first step to restoring the conch population is to determine the current health of the population and trends within the ecosystem. This would provide the basis for estimating how many conchs will need to be reared. At minimum, it will take 3-4 years to restock wild populations of conch. In this scenario, the conch farm will have to produce the exact number of conchs needed to restore the species in the first batch. However, this may not be feasible due to limited space or insufficient funds. Restocking wild populations over several batches or prioritising the full restoration of certain sites may be better options. With further research, the answer to this question will become clearer.
hace 3 años
we will be able to get a clearer picture as to what approach works best.
hace 3 años
This was really informative, waw. I was unaware of the situation of the Queen Conch. I hope that through this initiative she can be saved.
hace 3 años
As a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago, I enjoyed learning about the queen conch’s role in our exports and culture. This sounds like a great proposal that, once undertaken, would benefit the species as well as our economy. Great work. Is there any approximation of what the initial costs would be?
hace 3 años
Hi! Thank you for your support. We are currently working on initial investment estimation. We are using the Queen Conch Aquaculture User Manual developed by Florida Atlantic University (FAU) to determine the materials and best practices for our program. We also plan to directly consult with researchers at FAU as well as the Buccoo Reef Trust to determine the specific needs of our project.
hace 3 años
A brilliant idea. We really need more projects like these that help our environment.
hace 3 años
We really do. Thank you for your support!
hace 3 años
This is a really innovative idea wow! I would love to see it come to life
hace 3 años
Thank you for your support!!
hace 3 años
This sounds like a great initiative and one that deserves attention.
hace 3 años
Thank you so much! Please feel free to share and raise awareness!
hace 3 años
This sounds like an excellent proposal. Aside from the environmental value, I especially appreciate the inclusion of a research and education centre. I would love to see this proposal happen!
hace 3 años
Thank you!
hace 3 años
Excellent,well-thought idea!
hace 3 años
Thank you for your support!
hace 3 años
Wow I was not aware that the queen conch was endangered. I think this was very informative and I loved how you highlighted both the ecological and economical impact of its restoration. However with the impact of the pandemic in the region, how would you persuade potential investors to see this as a lucrative project to pursue?
hace 3 años
Thank you for your very timely and relevant question. Today Trinidad and Tobago opens its borders to international travellers after more than one year. I am sure that airlines and hoteliers are eagerly awaiting the first tourists. Business in the tourism sector would therefore see this project as a very attractive venture as it would increase tourist traffic to Tobago. The project has the added advantage of being an outdoor tourist attraction thus minimising the risk of the spread of COVID-19.
hace 3 años
I believe this is a fantastic initiative
hace 3 años
Thank you!
hace 3 años
This sounds like a well-thought proposal which takes into account the environmental and cultural implications of the depletion of conch species within the Caribbean. May I ask how you would persuade various companies to fund this project? What would be the benefit to the companies funding such a project?
hace 3 años
This is an excellent question, thank you for asking. As the world becomes more conscious of the environment and information becomes more accessible to the general public, the pressure of fulfilling their corporate responsibility becomes a first priority for many businesses. Funding and promoting this project is a chance for companies to give back to the community and build the brands' reputations. Local seafood distribution companies would also benefit from funding this project as it would provide them with a reliable, sustainable supply of conch. Businesses in the tourism sector such as hotels and airlines would also benefit from the program because the facility will serve as a tourist attraction.
hace 3 años
What's the plan to get the local community involved in this ?
hace 3 años
Thank you for your great question. Firstly, we plan to liaise with locals to determine the best location to build the facility. We also hope to consult with conch fishers to determine the present health of wild populations and the best times and locations to collect eggs. We believe that no one knows conchs and the environment better than the fishers, so we would like to recruit them to oversee the conch ranches to both ensure the health of the conchs and the preservation of the habitat. We also plan to train the youth in the community to operate the equipment in the nursery and hatchery. We hope that the access to hands on scientific study will encourage more youths, and specifically young women, to pursue tertiary studies in STEM.
hace 3 años
Great project to educate the public about how essential it is to protect the marine environment.
hace 3 años
Thank you for your support!
hace 3 años
I absolutely love this proposal! Not only does it stress the importance of preserving our ecosystem, it also serves as a healthy reminder that the Queen Conch is an integral part of our culture that is being depleted. Do you plan on raising awareness and educating others about this issue through this project? If yes, how so?
hace 3 años
Hi! Thank you for your comment! We plan to use the facility as an education centre for both the local community as well as regional and international visitors. We hope to operate school field trips and group tours so that the public can witness the entire lifecycle of the conch. We also plan to include an exhibit about the conch through history and how it is used today in music, religion and sporting events. Most importantly, our marketing campaign will aim to raise awareness for the critical status of the conch through the use of traditional and social media. All our products will be labelled as sustainable and will highlight the need for conservation and protection.
hace 3 años
This is such a good project for even tourism! But would this bring damage to the marine park?
hace 3 años
Hi! This is a great question! Our hatchery and nursery will be land based, but it will not be built in area with mangroves and will not release any pollutants into the environment. The in situ ranch will be built in a seagrass bed in the Buccoo lagoon. Consistent monitoring will ensure that overgrazing does not occur and the conchs will improve the health of the seagrass. The revitalised seagrass beds will increase the biodiversity of area, reduce shoreline erosion and increase water clarity within the Buccoo lagoon and reef.
hace 3 años
How will you get funding, access to the marine park and convince fishers to stop exploiting conch?
hace 3 años
We plan to approach private companies in the region both small and large for monetary support. We also plan to approach international agencies and the government for funding. To work within the marine park we plan to work with the Buccoo Reef Trust as well as the Pigeon Point Heritage Park. We also hope to get support from the Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA) to collect eggs and set up the ranch without damaging the environment. To combat overfishing, we will call on the IMA to institute a management plan for wild stocks and proper monitoring. The project will give first preference to current conch fishers when it comes to employment opportunites.
hace 3 años
This would be a great project to offer alternative employment to persons whilst ensuring the preservation of the species in our rapidly changing environment.
hace 3 años
Hi Shara! I like a lot your idea! :) I only have one suggestion: are you developing this idea with some friends or family? You should add their names in the team section. Also, I would like to know how are you planning to make your idea sustainable in the long term. Remember, you have chance to edit and share your idea with others (in order to have more votes) until tomorrow. Good luck!
hace 3 años
Please let me know if I should incorporate the information below into the project. I ran out of space in the written responses. Should I include it as an infographic instead? Please let me know if there is any other aspect of sustainability I need to address.
hace 3 años
Egg supply should not be a problem either. Females lay eggs pouches with more than 500,000 eggs. In the wild only one egg per pouch usually survives to adulthood while in captivity almost all survives. In the initial 3-4 year period we can collect eggs from the wild without impacting the environment, and when our farm grown conchs reach sexual maturity we can harvest the eggs of the best organisms. With further research we could also breed conchs to produce numerous pearls, stronger shells and more meat.
hace 3 años
Also, the farm will be sustainable because the income generated after a 3-4 year period (this is how long it takes a conch to grow from egg to sexual maturity) should be enough to cover operational expenses for the future. I have started to crunch the exact numbers of conch needed to make this business profitable and based on local conch fishery studies it seems very feasible. Also, this is solely based on meat sale. I expect that the tourism revenue will also generate enough money to supplement seed investment during the initial 3-4 year period.
hace 3 años
Hi! Thank you so much for the feedback. I thought the Team field was for the name of the team. I have updated the project with my partner's information. Will I be able to add more members or change members if this project makes it to the next round?
hace 3 años
Hi Shara! I think that you'll be able to update your partner's info in the next stage (not 100% sure) but I strongly think so but If you are talking about this stage, you have chance until July 18. Regard sustainability, not necessary to incorporate it in the project. Just asked because I was curious and thought that could be useful for people reading your application. Hope my questions were useful ;)
hace 3 años